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Westley Dang

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2024 Annual Letter

Happy New Year from Taiwan! 🇹🇼 My brother and I flew here the day after Christmas to be here for New Years with one of my best friends (Michael what up!) who said I should celebrate New Years here. Absolutely no regrets so far. I'm writing this from a shoes-off Japanese

2024 Annual Letter
Members Public

5 rules of my training philosophy (2024)

I'm a multi-athlete (climbing, running, yoga but also snowboarding, tennis, and rowing). My training goal is to be well-conditioned for a variety of movements, and to have the stability and coordination to not get injured. Strength training is purely supplemental. It's maybe one-fifth of the time I spend running or

5 rules of my training philosophy  (2024)
Members Public

The Gates to the Forest

The Gates to the Forest
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What I said in Argentina: Innovation is a Transaction

📖Context: I was invited to be on a panel at the Inter-American Development Bank's Lab Forum in Buenos Aires, where I spoke innovation, climate change, and food security. It's online if you want to watch it, but I wrote the ideas here below. I humbly thank IDB Lab for the

What I said in Argentina: Innovation is a Transaction
Members Public

We should make public transit fare-free

💡This is Part 1 of a series that explores a question that I have been thinking about for a long time: Can we make public transit free?  We have a fare-based public transit because of the private-sector commercialization of mass transit in the 19th century, which had to operate on

We should make public transit fare-free
Members Public

Tantra, Tolle, and Transforming Worldviews

Tantra, Tolle, and Transforming Worldviews
Members Public

How I maintain friendships: A toolkit

Maintaining friendships is hard. It's even harder for friends in different time zones, friends who are busy and/or ambitious, and friends who have just fallen out of the radar over the years. I am reflecting on a few useful tactics I've accumulated over the years. I hesitate to publish

How I maintain friendships: A toolkit
Members Public

Beats, blood, and blackness

The Kendrick v Drake beef is over. Kendrick won, handily. So why am I still thinking about it? It seems that everyone I talk to is either really invested, or not invested at all. To those of you who can’t stop thinking about this (like me): why is that?

Beats, blood, and blackness
Members Public

Forget gratitude journals, try chain journaling

I invented a new form of gratitude journaling, called chain journaling

Forget gratitude journals, try chain journaling
Members Public

A letter to the people who nearly crippled me

1: observations At 12:59 PM PST on March 11th, 2024, you violently swerved your white sedan into the bike lane that I was in. Luckily, I managed to skid my Lyft bike to avoid your car pinching me against the other parked car on the right. In my rage,

A letter to the people who nearly crippled me